
Spanish in grades 4, 5, & 6
Students are responsible for practicing their unit vocabulary and completing assignments that they do not get finished in class.
Students in these grades will use the following APPS: Story Kit, Duolingo, Puppet Pals, Comic Head, and Educreations.
Students will work on the Voces online Text book where they will be able to practice vocabulary, read and view authentic cultural materials, and master vocabulary and grammar skills.
6th graders will put on a Spanish Speaking Country Folk Fair in the Fall. They will work in small groups to research a Spanish speaking country, prepare a small recipe, and create a visual/tech presentation. The fifth grade will be the participants in their Folk Fair.
Spanish 1 and Spanish 2
These are elective classes that last all year long for 7th and 8th graders.
Students will be expected to complete homework and prepare for quizzes and tests.
At the end of Spanish 2, students should be elgible for Spanish 2 in high school.
Students will be working in the !Así se dice! online textbook series that is also being used at Badger highschool and LGMS. I am excited to working in this text as it offers authentic cultural materials, vocabulary practice activities and many other helpful resources to aid in language acquisition.
They will use Quizlet, Edmodo, Duolingo, Comic Head, Puppet Pals, Story Kit, and Google presentation.